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Voici une liste de certaines publications en lien avec le programme de recherche « nourrir pour s'épanouir ». 

Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture: 

Anchor 1

Michaud-Létourneau I, Gayard M, Lauzière J, Beaudry M, Pascual L, Chartier I Herzhaft-LeRoy J, Chiasson S, Fontaine-Bisson B, Pound C, Gaboury I,  Understanding the challenges related to breastfeeding education and barriers to curricular change: A systems perspective for transforming health professions education, Canadian Medical Education Journal, 2022; 13(3); 91-104.


Charpentier N*, Dumas A, Morisset AS, Fontaine-Bisson B, “Evaluation of the Olo prenatal nutrition follow-up care for vulnerable pregnant women”, Canadian journal of dietetics research and practice, 2022 (Accepted conditional to minor revisions, May 2022).


Carbonneau É, Dumas A, Brodeur-Doucet A, Fontaine-Bisson B, A community prenatal intervention in social nutrition: Evaluation the impact on pregnancy and birthweight outcomes, Nutrients, 2022 (14) 6; 2-13.


Campeau M, Philippe S, Martini R, Fontaine-Bisson B, The Baby-led Weaning Method; a focus on Mealtime Behaviours, Food Acceptance and Fine Motor Skills, Nutrition Bulletin, submitted in July 2021.


Charpentier N, Dumas A, Morisset AS, Fontaine-Bisson B, “The Olo Perinatal Intervention: A Nutritional Evaluation of Vulnerable Pregnant Women”, Maternal and Child Nutrition, 2021 (Submitted in May – Manuscrit ID: MCN-05-21-OA-4905).

 Mida LM, della Zazzera V, Fontaine-Bisson B, “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Physicians Regarding Periconceptional Folic Acid”, Preventative Medicine Report, 2021, (22) 101327, 1-9.


Savard C, Lebrun A, O’Connor S, Fontaine-Bisson B, Haman F, Morisset AS, “Energy Expenditure during pregnancy: A systematic review”, Nutrition Reviews, 2021; 79(4); 394-409.


Lebrun A, Plante AS, Savard C, Dugas C, Fontaine-Bisson B, Lemieux S, Robitaille J, Morisset AS, “Tracking of dietary intake and diet quality from late pregnancy to the postpartum period”, Nutrients, 2019, 11(9), pii:E2080.


Tessier F, Fontaine-Bisson B, Lefebvre JF, El-Sohemy A, Roy-Gagnon MH, “Investigating Gene-gene and Gene-environment Interactions in the Association between Overnutrition and Obesity-related Phenotypes” Frontiers in Genetics-Applied Genetic Epidemiology, 2019, 10 (151), 1-10.


Lamers Y, MacFarlane AJ, O’Connor DL, Fontaine-Bisson B, “Periconceptional intake of folic acid among low-risk women: summary of a workshop aiming to align prenatal folic acid supplement composition with current expert guidelines”, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2018, 108 (6), 1357-1368.


Dubois L, Diasparra M, Bédard B, Colapinto CK, Fontaine-Bisson B, Tremblay RE, Fraser WD, “Adequacy of nutritional intake during pregnancy in relation to prepregnancy BMI: results from the 3D cohort study”, British Journal of Nutrition, 2018, 120 (3), 335-344.


Savard C, Lemieux S, Weisnagel SJ, Fontaine-Bisson B, Gagnon C, Robitaille J, Morisset AS, “Trimester-specific dietary intakes of pregnant women in comparison with national nutritional guidelines”, Nutrients, 2018, 10 (6), 768, 1-14.


McGee M, Bainbridge-Whiteside S, Fontaine-Bisson B, “A crucial role for maternal dietary methyl donor intake in epigenetic programming and fetal growth outcomes”, Nutrition Reviews, 2018, 76 (6):469-478.


Dubois L, Diasparra M, Bédard B, Colapinto CK, Fontaine-Bisson B, Morisset AS, Tremblay RE, Fraser WD, “Adequacy of nutritional intake from food and supplements in a cohort of pregnant women in Québec, Canada: the 3D Cohort Study”, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2017, 106 (2), 541-548. 


Dubois L, Diasparra M, Bogl L, Fontaine-Bisson B, Bédard B, Tremblay R, Kaprio J, Boivin M, "Dietary intake at 9 years and subsequent BMI in adolescent boys and girls: a study of monozygotic twin pairs", Twin Research in Human Genetics, 19 (1), 47-59, 2016.


Ahmed T, Fellus I, Gaudet J, MacFarlane AJ, Fontaine-Bisson B, Bainbridge S, "Effect of folic acid on human trophoblast health and function in vitro”, Placenta, 37, 7-15, 2016.


Dubois L, Diasparra M, Bédard B, Kaprio J, Fontaine-Bisson B, Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Pérusse D, "Genetic and environmental influences on eating behaviours in 2.5- and 9-year-old children: a longitudinal twin study.", International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(134), 1-12, 2013.


Dubois L, Diasparra M, Bédard B, Kaprio J, Fontaine-Bisson B, Pérusse D, Tremblay R, Boivin M, "Gene-environment contributions to energy and macronutrient intakes in 9-year-old children: results from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study", Physiology and Behavior, 119, 30-37, 2013.

Articles publiées dans des revues professionnelles:

Lauzière J, Michaud-Létourneau I, Beaudry M, Wassef J, Fontaine-Bisson B, "Allaitement – Agir collectivement sur les environnements pour mieux soutenir les familles", Nutrition Science en évolution, Revue de l’Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec, Hiver 2018, volume 15, p.31-32.

Anchor 2

Résumés d'articles et/ou communications dans un colloque savant (orales ou sur affiche)

Mida LA, Zazzera VD, Fontaine-Bisson B, Knowledge, attitude and practice of physicians regarding periconceptional folic acid, Saskatoon (SK) – virtual presentation because of Covid-19, July 2020, Dietitians of Canada National Conference.

Savard C, Lebrun A, O’Connor S, Fontaine-Bisson B, Adamo K, Haman F, Morisset AS, Changements dans la dépense énergétique totale et au repos Durant la grossesse: revue systématique de la littérature. Magog (Qc), 5-7 fév 2020, Réunion scientifique annuelle de la Socitété québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme.

Lebrun A, Plante AS, Savard C, Dugas C, Fontaine-Bisson B, Lemieux S, Robitaille J, Morisset AS, Mesures prospectives des apports nutritionnels et de la qualité alimentaire de la fin de la grossesse à la période post-partum. Magog (Qc), 5-7 fév 2020, Réunion scientifique annuelle de la Socitété québécoise de lipidologie, de nutrition et de métabolisme.


Campeau M, Philippe S, Martini R, Fontaine-Bisson B, The baby-led weaning method in a Canadian setting: a focus on mealtime behaviours, food acceptance, fine motor skills and sensory modulation, Ottawa (ON), June 5-8 2019, Dietitians of Canada National Conference, 2019.

Lebrun, A., Plante, AS., Robitaille, J., Dugas, C. Fontaine-Bisson, B., Morisset, AS, Variations du poids corporel en période post-partum : association avec les apports alimentaires et l’allaitement, Montréal (Qc), 16-17 mai 2019, Congrès provincial de la recherche Mère-Enfant, Institut de recherche du CUSM.

Lamers Y, MacFarlane AJ, O’Connor DL, Fontaine-Bisson B, Periconceptional intake of folic acid among low-risk women in Canada: summary of a workshop aiming to align prenatal folic acid supplement composition with current expert guidelines, Halifax (NS), July 29-Aug 3, 2018, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and One-Carbon Metabolism FASEB Science Research Conference.



Charpentier N, Morisset AS, Dumas A, Fontaine-Bisson B, L’intervention périnatale OLO: une évaluation de femmes enceintes vulnérables, Gatineau (Qc), 8 juin 2018, Journée de la recherche du Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais, 3e édition.



Michaud-Létourneau I, Fontaine Bisson B, Blaney S, Hamelin L, Robitaille J, Giard M,  Lauzière J, Beaudry M, Pascual LR, Gayard M, Chiasson S, Traoré M, Improving breastfeeding education of health professionals in Quebec, Moncton (NB), Sept 21-22 2017, Baby Friendly Initiative National Symposium.



Tessier F, Lefebvre J-J, El-Sohemy A, Fontaine-Bisson B, Roy-Gagnon M-H, Investigating gene-gene and gene-environment interactions in the association between overnutrition and body weight, Montréal (QC), 15-16 juin, 2016, Journées génétiques de la conférence du Réseau de médecine génétique appliquée.



McGee M, Dubois L, Fontaine-Bisson B, Identifying the patterns of dietary methyl donor intake during pregnancy, Gatineau (QC), May 5-7, 2016, Canadian Nutrition Society annual conference.

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